I am a software engineer with a focus in autonomous vehicles and simulation. Having experience in both game development and the DoD industry has given me the opportunity to work on everything from game AI to safety critical software on underwater vehicles.
If you have time, you can look into my previous works by going to the Projects page. By visiting the AI Technology page you can find out more on the game systems I have designed and developed.
Interests Outside Software:
[Backpacking] I truly love backpacking and hiking. I recently went on a 8 day solo trip within Fiordland, New Zealand. You can find some of my pictures and videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtTxG-7W4qNWsoagdNuLtnw
[Reading] I'm huge Stephen King fan. I've read the Dark Tower series more times than I'd care to admit.
[Mountain Biking] Only the last year or so have I picked back of MTB, but I have already fallen in love with it again... even if I do come crash too often and spend too much money.
[Photography] Along side of backpacking, I picked up landscape and nature photography. I am as amateur as amateurs get, although I feel like I have a few good shots here and there.
Email: Joshmloveland@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lovelandgamedev